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Make a Difference Today

Greyhound Retirement Foundation of Tennessee wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.


 Twirl is a retired racing Greyhound that was

 6 years old December 12, 2023.

     Twirl is our little miracle girl.   

 Once Twirl arrived in foster care our vet

 suggested she go to the Animal Emergency and   Specialty Hospital where we were given

 little hope she would make a full recovery. 


 With the dedication of Twirl's foster

 dad and the reassurance that GRFT would

 do anything needed to help Twirl.  

 After a long while Twirl was finally

 released but the fight wasn't over.  She

 wouldn't eat and has lost so much weight

 her foster dad was on board to try every

 suggestion and in addition to puppy food

 he added lots of different toppers until

 he finally found an answer but she would

 quickly get tired of everything.

 To make a long story shortened through

 the love and  patience, some donations

 from our GRFT family and friends we were

 able to continue with Twirl's care and after

 many months and checkups she got well

 and of course her foster dad adopted her.

​ Fostered By: James

 Location:  Knoxville, TN​  

 Small Dog Tolerant:   Yes

 Cat Tolerant:  N/A​

Status:  ADOPTED

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Lincoln is a big 83 pound black boy
that was born December 1, 2016. He
is a beautiful boy.   

He didn't do very well during his first small dog and cat tests.  He gets along very well with other large dogs.

Lincoln is adjusting to retirement and
the 16 hour Australia difference in time and the change of routine.   

Lincoln is a very handsome sweet boy.

Small dog Tolerant:  NO on initial test
Cat Tolerant:   NO on initial test

Foster : James
Location:  Knoxville   

Status:  Available for Adoption


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Bula will be 3 years old on April 30, 2025.
He weighs approximately 80 pounds.

Bula is an outgoing adventurous boy who loves exploring.  He is responsive on a leash and is friendly and adores pets and being around people.  He is food motivated making it easy to train.  

Small dog Tolerant:  Yes
Cat Tolerant: N/A

Foster : Tristan and Kyle
Location: Knoxville area

Status:  Adoption Pending


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Frank is a handsome black boy with white

on the chest and toes.  He was born

January 30, 2021.   He weighs

approximately 78 pounds.

Frank is adjusting to the long trip, 16 hour

time difference but finally made it to

Tennessee where he will learn all about retirement.  He will learn a different

routine, potty habits and all the new


Though still adjusting to retirement, he

enjoys human interaction, particularly

scratches and petting, and values his

quiet time. As he settles, his genuine

personality will emerge.

Small Dog Tolerant:  Yes
Cat Tolerant:  No

Fostered By:  Cat
Location:  Knoxville, TN

Status: Available for Adoption

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Brock is a handsome shinny black boy.  He

was born April 22, 2021 and weighs 80


Brock is learning all about living in a home,

potty habits, raised dishes, and sleeping

on a doggy bed through the night.  He is

still adjusting to the 16 hour difference in

time and all the traveling.

Small Dog Tolerant:  Workable
Cat Tolerant:  No

Fostered By:  Chelsea and Brian
Location:  Knoxville, TN

Status: Available for Adoption

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         ALBURY MOB

Fran is a beautiful black girl born April 8, 2019 

Fran has adjusted to retirement and has
learned about 
all the strange things in addition
to the 
travel, the 16 hour time difference and
thestrange accents.  

We will post more as she settles in and we
learn more about her personality.

Small dog Tolerant:  Yes
Cat Tolerant:  No

Foster :  Kimberly and Ronnie
Location:  Tri Cities

Status:  Available for Adoption

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 Josie is a beautiful black girl that was born   September 9, 2021.  She weighs approximately  65  pounds.

She’s a sweet girl that LOVES toys and loves to   play. She has LOTS of energy and wants to play   and run inside and when she’s outside to go potty.   She sleeps through the night and will lay down   during the day once she’s worn out. She really   wants to play but our 2 have zero desire to play   with her.

She has had 16 hours to overcome plus the   ground transport. She is learning to understand   the strange accents.

Josie tested small dog tolerant and is being   fostered with a few Greyhounds and a child.

Small Dog Tolerant:   YES 
Cat Tolerant:  No

Fostered by:  Wendy, Dustin & Wyatt
Location:  Maryville, TN

Status:  Available for Adoption

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Jaz as she has been called is a beautiful black girl.  She was born September 11, 2020.​

Jaz is adjusting to the 16 hour time difference and the long flight and another ground transport.  Jaz is learning a new routine, potty habits, raised dishes, 


Jaz is a relaxed, confident, and friendly.  She walks good on a leash. enjoys car rides.  She is always happy and loves to interact with people.  Jaz is sure to bring joy and love to your life. 


Fostered BY: Kimmie

Location:  Knoxville, TN

Small Dog Tolerant;:  Yes

Cat Tolerant:   Tested Yes

STATUS:   Available for Adoption



Wiley is a very handsome gentleman who was born in November 2022.

He is currently in foster care adjusting to a different routine.  Wiley is a perfect gentleman.  He loves people and a good comfy bed. 

He gets along wonderfully with our 4 Greyhounds and a small dog and a cat.  
Wiley does not mind hard wood floors.

He is completely up to date on his vaccines and all vetting.  His potty habits are excellent as well as eating habits.

We feel Wiley will do well in a home with other dogs. Wiley knows his name and responds

Small dog Tolerant:  Yes
Cat Tolerant:  Yes 

Foster:  Samantha & David
Location:  Tri Cities


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Meet Archie, he was born in March 2020.   He raced at

74 pounds. 

He was adopted for a short couple months when it was decided he will not be a good apartment pup.  When he would hear the folks upstairs he would cry and bark.  

Archie is a good boy and loves being with his people.  He will

be a great companion

Small Dog Tolerant:  Yes

Cat Tolerant:   Yes

Fostered By:  Jordan and Catherine

Location:   Tri Cities, TN    


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NB's Boo Hoo


Cleo as she has been called is a beautiful red girl born in

June 2014.  Yes she is 10 years old but she is a happy girl

that loves life, 

From her foster mom:  "Foster love, Cleo had a big day today.

She’s so silly and spins when she’s excited, she barks and

plays and doesn’t act her age at all!


​Cleo will tell us more as she adjusts to the changes after

being returned

Fostered By: Lori

Location:      Chattanooga area     

Small Dog Tolerant:   Yes

Cat Tolerant:  Yes

Status:   Available for Adoption

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   Meet Cy as he is being called.  He is a

   real good boy.  He was born July 2017.


   He has completed all of his routine

   medical requirements but is going

   through some testing to help us with

   treating his seizures.  


  Cy was adopted for 4 years but with

  personal family medical concerns.

  the care of Cyclops became more than

  the family could handle


 Cyclops was returned and has now 

 settled into foster care. 

 With understanding, Cy will make

 the right family a wonderful companion

​ Small Dog Tolerant:  Yes 

 Cat Tolerant:  ​ N/A

​ Fosters: Chelsea and Brian

 Location:  Knoxville

Status: Available for Adoption 



   Hyatt is a handsome red boy.  He was born June 2, 2015,
   and he raced at 73 pounds.
   During Hyatt's past 6 years he has been in a loving secure
   home.   His family has been transferred to Toyko which is a
   15 hour flight that would not be safe for Hyatt.  
    Hyatt is a sweet friendly boy and does well with small dogs
    but has not been with any cats.   Hyatt is a great companion 
    and he would love to find a family to call his home.      

   We will post more as we learn more about his
   personality and how he is settling into foster care.

    Small Dog Tolerant:  Yes
   Cat Tolerant:  Unknown

   Fostered By: Jennifer
   Location:   Knoxville area


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 Ziggy is a handsome black boy born
July 4, 2019.  He came to US from
Australia where he routine was 16
hours different time than the US.  He is
settling in beautifully.

Ziggy is a robust, outgoing male
Greyhound with a confident personality.
He’s the perfect companion for someone
or a family with an active lifestyle and
plenty of space.

Ziggy loves to stretch his legs and would
thrive in a home with a large backyard
where he can run and play. He gets along
well with other Greyhounds. 

Ziggy is very human-social, confident
around people, and enjoys exploring new

If you’re looking for a fun-loving, active
Greyhound to join your adventures, Ziggy
might be the perfect fit.

Small Dog Tolerant:  TBD:
Cat Tolerant: TBD

Foster : Laney
Location: Chattanooga

Status:  ADOPTED


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Kelly as this little girl has been called is a
beautiful black female. Her birthdate was 
April 8, 2019.  

Kelly is learning all about retirement, the 16
hour time difference and the routine change
are being adjusted. She does well with her
foster companion and tested cat tolerant. 
She has accomplished steps, house manners
and routines.

Kelly is small dog and cat tolerant during her
first testing.  Kelly is a precious girl and would
make any family a wonderful companion. 
Come meet her at  Meet and Greet.

Small Dog Tolerant:   Yes
Cat Tolerant:  Yes

Foster:  Kelsey and Evan
Location:  Knoxville 

Status:  ADOPTED 


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Frost is a handsome red boy.  He is 3 years old.  Born October 2021.

He has recently come into foster care as his adopter is going through serious health problems.  Frost enjoys living in a home with other Greyhounds, a small dog and a fenced yard.  

Frost has completed all of his required vetting and is ready to welcome visitors that are looking for a wonderful addition to their family.  

Small Dog Tolerant:  Yes

Cat Tolerant:   N/A

Fostered By:  Janis & Mike

Location:  Knoxville, TN


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Abstract Surface

          SET TO BE
Mary as she was called in Australia is a beautiful young lady that was born May 21, 2018.  She weighs approximately 70 pounds.

Mary is settling into retirement and adjusting to the 16 hour difference.  She tested small dog and cat tolerant on his first test after arriving in Tennessee.
The report we got was that she is kind, calm, and settles beautifully.
Small dog Tolerant:  YES
Cat Tolerant:  N/A

Foster : Laurie and Mal
Location:  Knoxville

Status:  ADOPTED



Sierra is a beautiful small white and black young lady.  She was born March, 2023.


​Sierra tested both small dog and cat tolerant.  She is learning about all the strange and scary things in a home.  Doing great with the other Greyhounds and a small dog in her foster home. 


Sierra is learning about sleeping on a dog bed, raised dishes, house manners and living in a family. 


She is a precious girl.


Fostered BY:  Tristan 

Location:  Knoxville


Small Dog Tolerant;:  YES

Cat Tolerant:   YES




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Foster : 



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:Cat Tolerant: 
Foster : 



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:Cat Tolerant: 
Foster : 


Additional retirees on the way.

Fostered by: 

Small Dog Tolerant:  

Cat Tolerant:  


Additional retirees on the way.

Fostered by: 

Small Dog Tolerant:  

Cat Tolerant:  


Dog Treats in Bowl

Coming Soon

Additional retirees on the way.

Fostered by: 

Small Dog Tolerant:  

Cat Tolerant:  


Additional retirees on the way.

Fostered by: 

Small Dog Tolerant:  

Cat Tolerant:  



Meet the fosters

Chattanooga M&G at Petsmart in Chattanooga at 11:00 until 12:30.  Date to be determined.

Knoxville M&G at PetSmart on Morrell Road from 12:00 - 2:00.
Meet & Greets are held in Knoxville the 2nd Saturday of each month

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